yea, i love swings, call me childish, but hey, its fun, just reminisce about the past... the good old childhood days, when everyone was just so carefree, enjoying life, playing around, yeas..good times...good times... and i suddenly remember-d of a faggot name-d Aaron Ngoi Lmao. Total. Fag. xD. Yeas...good times. and the triple nicks! and one more...
Hey, you may not know who you are, but i want to tell u this, ILY, not just a slight bit, but a friggin LARGE bit, thats cause, you are you, and not someone else, thats why, iloveyou so much. So much that i so wanna stay by your side forever, giving you my warmth, my protection, and wish for time to stop, giving us all the time in world.