

Saturday, July 26


today shiok :D can almost full! george was usefull for one thing only, hand my the stickers wakakakas. people see his face then duwan donate le LOL. He look more like the one getting the donations instead of the one collecting the donations for the SATA =/.p.s. i became teh sticker man! :D stuck by people until look like freak =/ then got kids keep stare at me lol. fun las=/ then hougang area more people donate than orchird and amk area lol.

I dont want you to be sad,frown,or cry, i just want you to smile, keep that smile up. Keep it warm and happy,lively, dont make it freeze into a cold frown. Its one of the last things keeping me alive, freeze it out, and there i may go with it, frozen to death, forever encased in the icey coldness. Till your smile warms up my day, saving my frozen misery, and bringing the warmth into my heart.